HENRYK WÓJCIK – historyk sztuki, bibliofil, kolekcjoner, animator kultury, organizator wystaw, wydawca.

Urodził się w 1950 roku w Lublinie, tutaj spędził dzieciństwo i pierwsze lata młodzieńcze, studiował historię sztuki na Katolickim Uniwersytecie Lubelskim. Od 1978 roku mieszka w Kanadzie.

Współtworzył Archiwum Solidarności przy Bibliotece Uniwersyteckiej w Toronto. Był prezesem Towarzystwa Wspierania Kultury Polskiej na Litwie. Od wielu lat jest sekretarzem Polskiego Funduszu Wydawniczego w Kanadzie. W latach 1990-2001 był sekretarzem Wacława Iwaniuka.

Od wielu lat Henryk Wójcik, odwiedzając swoje rodzinne miasto obdarowuje książkami i drukami ze swoich zbiorów lubelskie biblioteki, muzea, redakcje zaprzyjaźnionych czasopism i inne placówki kultury. Wojewódzka Biblioteka Publiczna im. Hieronima Łopacińskiego w Lublinie należy do tego grona.

Zobacz także listę drugiej części daru

Dar Henryka Wójcika
Wojewódzkiej Biblioteki Publicznej im. H. Łopacińskiego w Lublinie
Wydawnictwa zwarte

1. A Republic of Nobles : Studies in Polish History to 1864. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1982.

2. Adam Mickiewicz 1798-1855 : In Commemoration of the Centenary of His Death. Paris, UNESCO, 1955.

3. Ainsztein Reuben, The Warsaw Ghetto Revolt. New York, Holocaust Library, cop. 1979.

4. Anderman Janusz, Poland Under Black Light : With the Author’s New Story from Warsaw. London ; New York, Readers International, 1985.

5. Anderman Janusz, The Edge of the World. London, Readers International, 1988.

6. Andrzejewski Jerzy, Ashes and Diamonds. Harmondsworth, Eng. ; New York, Penguin Books, 1980.

7. Appignanesi Lisa, Losing the Dead. Toronto, McArthur, 2001.

8. Arad Yitzhak, The Partisan : From the Valley of Death to Mount Zion. New York, Holocaust Library, cop. 1979.

9. Archbishop John Baptist Cieplak. Montreal, Palm Publishers, 1963.

10.Arct Bohdan, Prisoner of war : my secret journal : squadron leader B. Arct : Stalag Luft 1, Germany 1944-45. Exeter, Webb & Bower ; London, Michael Joseph, 1988.

11.Ascherson Neal, The Struggles for Poland. London, Pan Books, 1988.

12.Atwood William, Fryderyk Chopin : Pianist from Warsaw. New York, Columbia University Press, 1987.

13.Balawyder Aloysius, The Odyssey of the Polish Treasures. Antigonish, St. Francis Xavier University, 1978.

14.Bartoszewski Władysław, Righteous Among Nations : how Poles Helped the Jews 1939-1945. London, Earlscourt Publications Limited, 1969.

15.Bartoszewski Władysław, The Convent at Auschwitz. New York, George Braziller, 1990.

16.Bartoszewski Władysław, The Warsaw Ghetto : AChristian’s Testimony. Boston, Beacon Press, cop. 1987.

17.Bas Melcer Esther, In the Claws of Destruction. [Montreal], A. Horowitz Publications, ca 1986.

18.Bates-Batcheller Tryphosa, L’ame d’une reine. New York, Bretano’s, 1942.
19.Bauman Janina, A Dream of Belonging : My Years in Postwar Poland. London, Virago Press, 1988.

20.Bauman Janina, Winter in the Morning : A Young Girl’s Life in the Warsaw Ghetto and Beyond, 1939-1945. New York, Free Press, 1986.

21.Begin Menachem, White Nights : the Story of a Prisoner in Russia. New York, Harper & Row, Publishers, cop. 1977.

22.Betley Jan Andrzej, Belgium and Poland in international relations 1830-1931. ‘s-Granenhage, Mouton, 1960.

23.Bialkowski Voytek, SixPoems. Berlin, Mordellus Press, 2011.

24.Bialystok to Birkenau : The Holocaust Journey of Michael Mielnicki. Vancouver, Ronsdale Press, ca 2000.

25.Bideleux Robert, A History of Eastern Europe : Crisis and change. London, Routledge, 1998.

26.Bielak Valeria, The Servant of God: Mary Theresa, Countess Ledochowska, Foundress of the Sodality of Saint Peter Claver. Minnesota, Sodality of St Peter Claver, 1944.

27.Bieńkowski Władysław, Theory and Reality : The Development of Social Systems. London, Allison & Busby, 1981.

28.Black Book of Polish Censorship. South Bend, Ind., And Books, 1982.

29.Blady Szwajger Adina, I Remember Nothing More : The Warsaw Children’s Hospital and the Jewish Resistance. London, Collins Harvill, 1990.

30.Blazynski George, John Paul II : A Man from Krakow. London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, ca 1979.

31.Bohdanowiczowa Zofia, Pan Tadeusz w Toronto. Toronto, Polski Fundusz Wydawniczy w Kanadzie, 2011.

32.Borowczyk-Forester Jan, In Search of Freedom. Toronto, Canadian Polish Research Institute, 2000.

33.Borowski Tadeusz, This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen. Harmondsworth, Middlesex ; New York, Penguin Books, 1980.

34.Bradbrook Muriel Clara, Joseph Conrad, Józef Teodor Konrad Nałęcz Korzeniowski : Poland’s English Genius. Cambridge, The University Press, 1941.

35.Brandys Kazimierz, A Question of Reality. London, Blond & Briggs, 1981.

36.Brandys Kazimierz, A Warsaw Diary : 1978-1981. New York, Random House, cop. 1983.

37.Brock Peter, Polish Revolutionary Populism : a study in agrarian socialist thought from the 1830s to the 1850s. Toronto; Buffalo, University of Toronto Press, cop. 1977.

38.Brolewicz Walter, My Brother, Lech Walesa. New York, Tribeca Communications, cop. 1983.

39.Bromke Adam, Poland : the Last Decade. Oakville, Mosaic Press, 1981.

40.Bromke Adam, Poland : the Protracted Crisis. Oakville, Ontario, Mosaic Press, cop. 1983.

41.Bromke Adam, Poland’s Rough Road to To Socialism : Mr Gomulka’s Dilemma. Reprinted from Queen’s Quarterly, Volume LXV, Winter, Number 4.

42.Bronislava Nijinska : Early Memoirs. New York, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1981.

43.Bryan Julien H., Siege. New York, Doubleday, Doran, 1940.

44.Brycht Andrzej, Zoom : a Novel. Toronto : Simon & Pierre Pub. Co., ca 1978.

45.Brzeziński Zbigniew, Power and principle : memoirs of the National Security Adviser 1977-1981. New York, Farrar, 1983.

46.Brzeziński Zbigniew, The Grand Failure : The Birth and Death of Communism in the Twentieth Century. New York, Charles Skribner’s Sons, 1989.

47.Buczek Daniel, Last of the Titans : Monsignor-Colonel Alphonse A . Skoniecki of Massachusetts. [USA], Soc. Of Christ in America, [1985].

48.Buczkowski Leopold, Black Torrent. Cambridge, Mass. ; London, M.I.T. Press, cop. 1969.

49.Bujak Adam, Journeys to Glory : a Celebration of the Human Spirit. New York, Harper & Row, 1976.

50.Burstein Abraham, The Boy of Wilna. New York, Hebrew Publishing Company, [1941].

51.Campbell Thomas, The Restoration of Poland : Speech delivered in Glasgow on 5th July 1836. Glasgow, The Polish Institute and Sikorski Museum Library in Scotland, 1979.

52.Cary William Harris, Poland Struggles Forward. New York, Greenberg Publisher, cop. 1949.

53.Charlton Michael, The Eagle and the Small Birds: Crisis in the Soviet Empire : from Yalta to Solidarity. London, British Broadcasting Corporation, 1984.

54.Charyn Jerome, Panna Maria : A Novel. New York, Arbor House, cop. 1982.

55.Chasins Abram, Leopold Stokowski. A Profile. New York, NY, Da Capo Press, 1981.

56.Chesterton G.K., Niebieski krzyż. Duns, Caldra House, 1946.

57.Chojnacki Roman, Lekcje przyrody. Kraków, Wydawnictwo a5 ; Toronto, Polski Fundusz Wydawniczy w Kanadzie, 2006.

58.Cienciala Anna M., Poland and the Western Powers 1938-1939 : A Study in the Interdependence of Eastern and Western Europe. London, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1968.

59.Clepés Antoni, A frec : (epigramies, epigrafies). Barcelona, Café Central, 1994.

60.Conrad Borys, My Father : Joseph Conrad. New York, Coward-McCann, 1970.

61.Conrad Joseph, Heart of Darkness ; An Outpost of Progrss ; The Lagoon. Toronto, J.M. Dent, 1966.

62.Conrad Joseph, Lord Jim. New York, Leon Amiel Publisher, [b.r.].

63.Conrad under familial eyes. Cambridge [etc.], Cambridge University Press, 1983.

64.Coutouvidis John, Poland 1939-1947. New York, Holmes and Meier, 1986.

65.Craig Mary, The Crystal Spirit : Lech Wałęsa and his Poland. London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1988.

66.Curie Eve, Madame Curie : a Biography. Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, Doran, 1938.

67.Czartoryski Adam Jerzy, Memoirs : Prince Adam Czartoryski and His Correspondence With Alexander I : With Documents Relative to the Prince’s Negotiations With Pitt, Fox, and Brougham, and an Account of his Conversations With Lord Palmerston andOther English State in London in 1832. Vol. 1-2. Orono, Academic International, 1968.

68.Czerska Ludwika, From the Land of Slavery. [New York] : A.R. Poray Book Publishing, 1984.

69.Davies Norman, Poland, Past and Present : A Select Bibliography of Works in English. Newtonville, Mass., Oriental Research Partners, 1977.

70.Dawidowicz-Bantam Lucy S., From That Place and Time : A Memoir : 1938-1947. New York [etc.], Bantam, 1991.

71.De Roeck Jef., The Man From Poland. Toronto, Methuen, 1979.

72.Deschner Günther, Warsaw rising. London, Pan/Ballantine, 1972.

73.Döblin Alfred, Journey to Poland. London ; New York, Tauris, 1991.

74.Dobroszycki Lucjan, Image Before My Eyes : A Photographic History of Jewish Life in Poland 1864-1939. New York, Schocken Books, 1977.

75.Documents Concering German-Polish Relations and the Outbreak of Hostilities between Grear Britain and Germany on September 3, 1939. London, H.M. Stationery Office, 1939.

76.Documents on British Foreign Policy 1919-1939. 1st series vol. 16 [Upper Silesia March 22, 1921-November 2, 1922 ; Germany 1921]. London, H.M. Stationery Office, 1968.

77.Donat Alexander, The Holocaust Kingdom : A memoir. New York, Holocaust Library, cop. 1978.

78.Durand André, Seven Paintings For the Hills of Rome. Montreal, [Reproductions Arachne], [1984].

79.Dusza Edward, Poets of Warsaw Aflame. London, Polish cultural Foundation, 1978.

80.Dydyński Krzysztof, Poland. Hawthorn ; London, Lonely Planet, 1996.

81.Dziemiańczuk Władysław, Polish Self Defence in Volhynia. Toronto, Alliance of the Polish Eastern Provinces, 1999.

82.Dzierżek Edward W., Free the White Eagle. Horning’s Mills, Ontario, The Publisher, cop. 1981.

83.Dziewanowski Marian K., Poland in the Twentieth Century, New York, NY, Columbia University Press, 1977.
84.Eisner Jack, The Survivor. New York, W. Morrow and Co., 1980.

85.Ekart Antoni, Vanished without trace : the story of seven years in Soviet Russia. London, Parrish, 1955.

86.Elberg Yehuda, Ship of the Hunted. Syracuse. Syracuse University Press, 1997.

87.Eliach Yaffa, There once was a world : a nine-hundred-year chronicle of the shtetl of Eishyshok. Boston, Little, Brown and Company, 1998.

88.Ethel Rosenfield : Sculpteur.[s.l.], Association des Sculpteurs du Quebec, cop.1972.

89.Falkowski Jan, With the Wind in My Face : the Story of a Polish Fighter Pilot in the R.A.F. [S.l. : s.n.], ca 1966

90.Famos Luisa, Poesias : wiersze. Rzeszów, Stowarzyszenie Literacko-Artystyczne „Fraza”, 2008.

91.Father Melchior, Man’s Inhumanity : A True Account of Life in a Concentration Camp. Detroit, 1949.

92.Ferra Bartomeu, Chopin and George Sand in Majorca. Palma de Mallorca, Edicions La Cartoixa, 1961.

93.Ficowski Jerzy, Sister of the Birds : And Other Gypsy Tales. Nashville, Abingdon, 1976.

94.Firsoff Włodzimierz, The Tatra Mountains. [London], L. Drummond, [1942].

95.Fiszman Joseph R., Revolution and Tradition in People’s Poland : Education and Socialization. [Princeton], Princeton University Press, cop. 1972.

96.Fitz Gibbon Louis, The KatynMemorial. London, SPK-Gryf, 1977.

97.FitzGibbon Louis, The Katyn Cover-up. London, Tom Stacey, 1972.

98.Flam Klodawski Toby, Toby : Her Journey from Lodz to Samarkand (and beyond). Toronto, Childe Thursday, ca 1988.

99.Fluek Toby Knobel, Memories of my life in a Polish village 1930-1949. London, Hamish Hamilton, 1990.

100. Folejewski Zbigniew, Maria Dabrowska. New York, Twayne Publishers, cop. 1967.

101. For Your Freedomand Ours : Polish Progressive Spirit from the 14th Century to the Present. New York, Frederick Ungar Publishing Co, cop. 1981.

102. Foreigners on Poland 1. Warsaw, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1946.

103. Fournier Eva, Poland. London, Vista Books ; New York : The Viking Press, [1964].

104. Fox Florence, Poland Answers. Gravenhurst, Ontario, Northern Book House, cop. 1984.

105. Frajlich Anna, Between Dawn and the Wind : selected poetry. Austin, Texas, Host Publication, cop. 1991.

106. Friedel Mieczysław W.,This Polish Blood in America’s Veins. New York, Vantage Press, cop. 1978.

107. From a Ruined Garden : the Memorial Books of Polish Jewry. [New York], [Schocken books], cop. 1983.

108. Frossard André, Forget Not Love : The Passion of Maximilian Kolbe. San Francisco, Ignatius Press, 1990.

109. Fundacja Władysława i Nelli Turzańskich 1988-1998. Toronto, Kanadyjsko-Polski Instytut Badawczy, 1988.

110. Galbraith John Kenneth,Journey to Poland and Yugoslavia. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1958.

111. Garliński Józef, Hitler’s last weapons : the underground war against the V1 and V2. New York, Times Books, 1978.

112. Garliński Józef, The Enigma war. New York, Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1980.

113. Gerould Daniel Charles, Witkacy : Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz as an imaginative writer. Seattle, Univ. of Washington Press, cop. 1981.

114. Gibbs Philip, No Price for Freedom. London, Hutchinson, [1955].

115. Gilbert Martin, Holocaust Journey : Travelling in Search of the Past. Vancouver, Douglas & McIntyre, 1997.

116. Ginter Maria, Life in Both Hands. [London], Hodder and Stoughton [1964].

117. Godden Rumer, The Kitchen Madonna. London, Macmillan, 1967.

118. Goetel Ferdynand, From Day to Day. New York, The Literary Guild, 1931

119. Gold Arthur, Misia : The Life of Misia Sert. New York, Morrow Quill Paperbacks, 1981.

120. Goldstein Chajim Icl, The bunker. Philadelphia, The Jewish Publication of America, 5730=1970.

121. Gombrowicz Witold, A Kind of Testament. Philadelphia, Temple University Press, 1973.

122. Gombrowicz Witold, Cosmos, New York, Grove Press, Inc., [1970].

123. Gombrowicz Witold, The Marriage. London, Calder & Boyars, 1970.

124. Gombrowicz Witold, The Marriage. New York, Grove Press Inc., cop.1969.

125. Goodhart Arthur Lehman, Poland and the Minority Races. New York, Arno Press and The New York Times, 1971.

126. Gotfryd Bernard, Anton the Dove Fancier and Other Tales of the Holocaust. New York, NY, Pocket Books, 1990.

127. Gozdawa Turczynowicz Laura de, When the Prussians Came to Poland : The Experiences of an American Woman during the German Invasion. New York ; London; G.P. Putnam’s Sons, cop. 1916.

128. Greeley Andrew M., The Making of the Popes 1978 : The Politics of Intrigue in the Vatican. Kansas City, Andrews and McMeel, cop. 1979.

129. Gronowicz Antoni, God’s broker : the life of John Paul II. New York, Richardson and Snyder, 1984.

130. Gronowicz Antoni, Paderewski, Pianist and Patriot. Edinburgh; New York, T. Nelson and Sons, 1943.

131. Grossman Mendel, With a Camera in the Ghetto. New York, Schocken Books, 1977.

132. Grotowski Jerzy, Towards a Poor Theatre. New York, Simon and Schuster, cop. 1968

133. Guastavino Jorge, Sir Casimir Gzowski. Agincourt, Ont., GLC, ca 1981.

134. Gutman Yisrael, The Jews of Warsaw, 1939-1943 : Ghetto, Underground, Revolt. Bloomington ; Indianapolis, Indiana University Press, cop. 1982.

135. Halicka Barbara, Dokąd. Toronto, Polski Fundusz Wydawniczy w Kanadzie ; Rzeszów, Stowarzyszenie Literacko-Artystyczne „Fraza”, 2005.

136. Hanley Boniface, Maximilian Kolbe : No Greater Love. Notre Dame, IN, Ave Maria Press, cop. 1982.

137. Hanson Joanna K.M., The Civilian Population and the Warsaw Uprising of 1944. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1982.

138. Harjan George, Jan Parandowski. New York, Twayne Publishers, cop. 1971.

139. Hautzig Esther Rudomin, Remember Who You Are : Stories About Being Jewish. New York, Crown Publishers, ca 1990.

140. Hebblethwaithe Peter, Kaufman Ludwig, John Paul II : A Pictorial Biography. Toronto, Gage, 1979.

141. Heller Celia Stopnicka, On the Edge of Destruction : Jews of Poland Between the Two World Wars. New York, Schocken Books, 1980.

142. Hełm-Pirgo Marian, Virgin Mary, Queen of Poland : (Historical Essay). New York, Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences in America, 1957.

143. Henoch W.E.S., One Man Many Lives. Toronto, Canadian Polisch Research Institute, [1997].

144. Henze Paul B., The plot to kill the pope. New York, Charles Scribner’s Sons, cop. 1983.

145. Herbert Zbigniew, Selected Poems. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1977.

146. Herling-Grudziński Gustaw, A World Apart. London, Heinemann, 1951.

147. Hersey John, The Wall. New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 1950.

148. Herzig Jakub, The Wrecked Life : The War Story of a Physician. New York, Vantage Press, cop. 1963.

149. Heydenkorn Benedykt, Poland in 1965 – Personal Impressions. [Toronto], University of Toronto Press, 1966.

150. Heyst Axel, The White Frenzy : All About Ski-ing. London, Sidgwick and Jackson, [ca 1968].

151. Hine Daryl, Polish Subtitles : Impressions from a journey. London, Abelard-Schuman, 1962.

152. Hirshaut Julian, Jewish Martyrs of Pawiak. New York, Holocaust Library, cop. 1982.

153. His Holiness, Pope John Paul II : In Celebration of His Visit. [Toronto], Royce Publications, ca 1984.

154. Hiscocks Richard, Poland – Bridge for the Abyss ? : An Interpretation of Developments in Post-War Poland. London, Oxford University Press, 1963.

155. Hiscocks Richard, Poland-bridge for the abyss? : an interpretation of developments in post-war Poland. London, Oxford University Press, 1963.

156. Hłasko Marek, Next stop – paradise. New York, E.P. Dutton, 1960.

157. Hohler Franz, Małe prozy. Rzeszów, Biblioteka Frazy, 2007.

158. Horn Maria Halina, A Tragic Victory. Toronto, ECW, 1988.

159. Hume Ruth Fox, The Lion of Poland : The Story of Paderewski. New York, Hawthorn Books, 1962.

160. Hundert Gershon David, Jews in Poland-Lithuania in the Eighteenth Century : A Genealogy of Modernity. Berkely ; Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2006.

161. Infeld Leopold, Quest the Evolution of a Scientist. New York, Doubleday, Doran, 1941.

162. Iwańska Alicja, Purgatory and Utopia : a Mazahua Indian Village of Mexico. Cambridge, MA, Schenkman Publishing Company, cop. 1971.

163. Jadah Alex, Nine Lives and Running. Sylvan Lake, Canada, Taste of Reading Publishers, ca 1996.

164. Jan Paweł II, Crossing the Threshold of Hope. New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 1994.

165. Janta Aleksander, A History of Nineteenth Century American – Polish Musik. New York, TheKosciuszko Foundation, 1982.

166. Janta Aleksander, Glimpses of Polish Émigré Prose Writers. Flushing, N.Y., [s.n.], 1973.

167. Janta-Połczyński A., Barriers Into Bridges : Notes on Polish Culture in America. New York, [s.n.], 1957.

168. Jasienica Paweł, The Commonwealth of Both Nations, The silver age. Miami, The American Institute of Polish Culture ; New York, Hippocrene Books, 1987.

169. Jędrzejewicz Wacław, Poland in the Britisch Parliament, 1939-1945. Volume I : British Guarantees to Poland to the Atlantic Charter (March 1939-August 1941). New York, Jozef Pilsudski Institute of America for Research in the Modern History of Poland, 1946.

170. Jędrzejewicz Wacław, Poland in the British Parliament : 1939-1945. Volume 2., Fall 1941-Spring 1944. New York, Jozef Piłsudski Institute of America for Research in the Modern History of Poland, 1959.

171. John Paul II, Be Not Afraid ! : André Frossard in conversation with Pope John Paul II. London, Bodley Head, 1984.

172. Kagan Joram, Hippocrene Insiders’ Guide to Poland’s Jewish Heritage. New Tork, Hippocrene Books, 1992.

173. Kamińska Ida, My Life, My Theater. New York, Macmillan ; London, Collier Macmillan, 1973.

174. Kaplan Chaim Aron, Scroll of Agony : The Warsaw Diary. New York, Collier Books, 1981.

175. Kapuściński Ryszard, Another Day of Life. San Diego, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, ca 1987.

176. Kapuściński Ryszard, Another Day of Life. San Diego, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, ca 1987.

177. Karski Jan, Story of a Secret State. Boston, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1944.

178. Kaszynski Tadeusz, Through Europe to Poland by Car. New York, 1968.

179. Kay-Lisiecki Jacqueline, The Success od Solidarity. [Toronto], University of Toronto, 1991.

180. Kielar Wiesław, Anus Mundi : 1, 500 Days Auschwitz/Birkenau. New York, Times Book, 1980.

181. Kielce – July 4, 1946 : Background, Context and Events : A Collective Work. Toronto; Chicago, The Polish Educational Foundation in North America, 1996.

182. Koczy Leon, The Scottish-Polish Society : Activities in the Second World War : An Historical Review. Edinburgh, The Scottish-Polish Society, 1980.

183. Koehn Lala, Forest Full of Rain. Victoria, B.C., Sono Nis Press, 1982.

184. Koehn Lala, Sand Poems. Fredericton, N.B., Fiddlehead Poetry Books, 1979.

185. Koehn Lala, The Eyes of the Wind. Winnipeg, Turnstone Press, 1981.

186. Kohn Nahum, A Voice from the Forest : Memoirs of a Jewish Partisan. New York, Holocaust Library, cop. 1980.

187. Kojder Apolonia Maria, Marynia don’t cry : Memoirs of Two Polish-Canadian Families. [Toronto], Multicultural History Society of Ontario, cop. 1995.

188. Komorowski Eugeniusz Andrzej, Night Never Ending. Chicago, Henry Regnery Company, cop. 1974.

189. Konwicki Tadeusz, A Dreambook for Our Time. Harmondsworth, 1983.

190. Konwicki Tadeusz, A Minor Apocalypse. New York, Vintage Books ; A division of Random House, 1984.

191. Konwicki Tadeusz, The Polish Complex. New York, N.Y., Penguin Books, 1984.

192. Korboński Stefan, The Jews and the Poles in World War II. New York, Hippocrene Books, 1989.

193. Korboński Stefan, The Polish Underground State : a Guide to the Underground, 1939-1945. New York, Hippocrene Books, cop. 1981.

194. Korboński Stefan, Warsaw in exile. London, George Allen & Unwin,1966.

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196. Korey George, Navigators Can. Victoria, B.C., Trafford, ca 2003.

197. Korey-Krzeczkowski Jerzy, Z mojego alfabetu : o ludziach, instytucjach i zdarzeniach. Katowice, Wydawnictwo Gnome ; Toronto, Polski Fundusz Wydawniczy w Kanadzie, 2005.

198. Kosiński Jerzy, Blind Date, Boston, Houghton Mifflin Co., cop. 1977.

199. Kosiński Jerzy, Cockpit : a Novel. Boston, Houghton Mifflin Company, cop. 1975.

200. Kosiński Jerzy, Passion Play. New York, St. Martin’s Press, cop. 1979.

201. Kosiński Jerzy, The painted bird. New York, Modern Library, 1983.

202. Kos-Rabcewicz-Zubkowski Ludwik, SirCasimir Stanislaus Gzowski : A Biography. Toronto, Burns and MacEachern, 1959.

203. Kossak Zofia, The Covenant : A Novel of the Life of Abraham the Prophet. New York, Roy Publishers, 1951.

204. Krall Hanna, Shielding the Flame : an Intimate Conversation with dr Marek Edelman, The Last Surviving Leader of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. New York, H. Holt, 1986.

205. Krasiński Janusz, Tabliczka z chleba. Toronto, Polski Fundusz Wydawniczy w Kanadzie, 2009.

206. Królikowski Łucjan Zbigniew, Stolen Childhood : A Saga of Polish War Children. Buffalo, N.Y., Father Justin Rosary Hour, cop. 1983.

207. Kuchler-Silberman Lena, My Hundred Children. London, Souvenir Press, 1961.

208. Kulski Julian, Dying, we live : the personal chronicle of young freedom fighter in Warsaw (1939-1945). New York, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, cop. 1979.

209. Kulski Władysław W., The Soviet Union in World Affairs ; a Document Analysis : 1964-1972. Syracuse, NY, Syracuse Univ. Press, 1973.

210. Kumiega Jennifer, The theatre of Grotowski. London; New York, Methuen, 1985.

211. Kuncewicz Jerzy, Meeting with To-morrow : Study in orl problems. Munich, Express, [ca 1946].

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213. Kuniczak Wiesław Stanisław, The Sempinski Affair. London, Mayflower, 1971.

214. Kuniczak Wiesław, The thousand hour day. New York, The Dial Press, 1966.

215. Kuper Jack, Child of the Holocaust. Toronto, General Publishing Co. Limited, cop. 1967.

216. Kuperhand Miriam, Shadows of Treblinka. Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 1988.

217. Kusiba Marek, Janusz Żurawski : From Avro Arrow to Arrow Drive. Mississauga, Ont., Adress Press, 2003.

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219. Laks Szymon, Music of Another World. Evanston, Ill., Northwestern Univ. Press, cop. 1989.

220. Lane Arthur Bliss, I Saw Poland Betrayed : An american Ambasador Reports to the American People. Boston ; Los Angeles, Western Islands, 1965.

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222. Lanzmann Claude, Shoah : An Oral History of the Holocaust :The Complete Text of the Film. New York, Pantheon Books, cop. 1985.

223. Last Traces : The Lost Art of Auschwitz. New York, Atheneum, 1989.

224. Lem Stanisław, His Master’s Voise. San Diego, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, cop. 1983.

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